Year 10 at Emmaus
Science 1 and Science 2A

Year 10 Science

In Year 10, students analyse how models and theories have developed over time and discuss the factors that prompted their review. They predict how future applications of science and technology may affect people’s lives. They explain the concept of energy conservation and model energy transfer and transformation within systems. They explain the role of DNA and genes in cell division and genetic inheritance. They explain how similarities in the chemical behaviour of elements and their compounds and their atomic structures are represented in the way the periodic table has been constructed. They compare the properties of a range of elements representative of the major groups and periods in the periodic table. They use atomic symbols and balanced chemical equations to summarise chemical reactions, including neutralisation and combustion. They explain how different factors influence the rate of reactions. They give both qualitative and quantitative explanations of the relationships between distance, speed, acceleration, mass and force to predict and explain motion.

Students describe social and technological factors that have influenced scientific developments and predict how future applications of science and technology may affect people’s lives.  Students develop questions and hypotheses that can be investigated using a range of inquiry skills. They independently design and improve appropriate methods of investigation including the control and accurate measurement of variables and systematic collection of data. They explain how they have considered reliability, precision, safety, fairness and ethics in their methods and identify where digital technologies can be used to enhance the quality of data. They analyse trends in data, explain relationships between variables and identify sources of uncertainty. When selecting evidence and developing and justifying conclusions, they account for inconsistencies in results and identify alternative explanations for findings. Students evaluate the validity and reliability of claims made in secondary sources with reference to currently held scientific views, the quality of the methodology and the evidence cited. They construct evidence-based arguments and use appropriate scientific language, representations and balanced chemical equations when communicating their findings and ideas for specific purposes.

Curriculum Strands

  • Science Understanding
  • Science Inquiry Skills

Areas of Study

Science 1 Inheritance
Origins of the Universe
Investigating Reactions
Science 2A Explaining Reactions
Road Science


  • Practical Reports
  • Tests
  • Research Assignments
  • Self-designed Experiment
  • Semester Examination