Online Parent Forum – Returning to Onsite Learning – Monday 1 June @ 7.30pm

Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist, family therapist, author, speaker and creator of Learning Strengths ™.

Andrew has worked with over 3,000 schools in Australia, NZ, Asia and the UK and with more than 500,000 young people on core elements of resilience – connect, protect and respect (CPR) and building The Resilient Mindset.

Topics covered will include:

  • the different stages of a learning day;
  • why concentration matters and how to make it work;
  • the three big factors any parent can promote that build long-term success for their children;
  • Increasing motivation; and
  • what is not worth worrying about.

This is a 60 minute virtual keynote address with Q&A.

The Online Forum will be via MS Teams and will commence at 7.30pm on Monday 1 June 2020.

Login details will be emailed on the Monday afternoon.


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