Technology Electives
Technology Electives

Engineering with Robots

Students work with the VEX EDR Robotics system to apply the design technology process through its phases of investigating, generating, planning, producing and evaluating. In small groups students build a mobile robot which they have each worked individually to program to move in a particular way. Student are given a specific problem to solve which requires an autonomous robot. They are required to research the problem and consider options for modifying their existing robot. Students choose and install appropriate sensors for their robot, they then program it to solve the problem. They test and evaluate their design and make modifications as necessary

Areas of Study

  • Investigating and designing
  • Producing
  • Analysing and Evaluating

Assessment Tasks

  • Robot Logic
  • Portfolio
  • Semester Examination

Food Glorious Food

Students implemented design briefs by accommodating considerations and constraints by planning an achievable and logical sequence of the production stages in Food Technology. Students were also required to complete a broad range of production processes accurately and safely.

Student’s practical skills were monitored through application of knowledge, incorporating safety, hygiene, team work, decision-making, design modifications, selection of materials, as well as their ability to operate complex tools, equipment and machines safely and correctly. Year 9 students used evaluation criteria to critically analyse processes, materials/ingredients, and equipment used to meet the design brief. Topics studied this year included: Food safety and hygiene practices, nutritional concepts, the technology process, Multi-cultural Foods, Food labelling and Packaging, Expo Catering.

Areas of Study

  • Investigating and Designing
  • Producing Above Standard
  • Analysing and Evaluating

Assessment Tasks

  • Research Assignment
  • Design Task
  • Application of Skills
  • Personal Management
  • Kitchen Workbook
  • Practical Examination
  • Semester Examination

A Career in IT

The focus of this unit is to introduce students to programming concepts and problem solving.  The software used is Visual Basic.Net and Gamemaker.  Students will learn basic algorithmic structure and use design tools to plan computer programs.  A series of exercises are given for students to demonstrate their understanding of programming structures like sequence, selection and iteration.  Assessment is broken up into theory worksheets, online journal reflection, Programming Assignment, where students demonstrate the programming skills gained throughout this course, and a semester examination.

Areas of Study

  • Algorithms
  • What is an algorithum?
  • Algorithm design tools

Programming Languages

  • Naming conventions
  • Objects and events
  • Storing and using data
  • Processing structures and commands
  • Control structures
  • Selection
  • Iteration
  • Debugging and testing software
  • Software: VB.Net 2010, Gamemaker


  • Explanation of Learning: Online Electronic Journal
  • Theory Exercises
  • Programming
  • Semester Examination

So You Think You Can Sew?

Students have to investigate and design their ideas for a memo board and softie before producing. This includes writing a design brief, brainstorming, design options and justification.  A memo board, boxer shorts and softie are produced by each student.  Reading instructions from a commerical pattern will be introduced to students.  The final component of the curriculum analysing and evaluation requires that students take time to reflect on their achievements, processes and improvements.


  • Investigate and Design
  • Product 1 – Memo Board
  • Product 2 – Boxer Shorts
  • Product 3 – Softie
  • Analyse and Evaluate
  • Semester Examination


STEM estands for Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering.

The STEM unit will allow students to explore various real-life problems and find solutions to them by incorporating both the scientific method and the design process as students navigate an inquiry-based model of learning. They will keep a log of any learning as they collaborate with their peers and work through a solution to a challenge by considering all relevant facets to the problem.  They will analyze their ideas, learn new concepts, design a prototype, test it and then analyze its strengths and weaknesses.  Students will be encouraged to use a variety of ways to map their learning by producing videos of their process, a report and participate in various class workshops and activities that will bring their learning journey to life.  This is 21st Century Learning at its finest!